Beyond the Victory
Perceive the Future to Endure the Present
Have you thought about what life will be like after you're healed or do you dwell on and yearn for the life you used to have? Either answer is correct because you and I currently reside in the unknown. The unknown is essentially the transitional period from the life we unwillingly let go of, to the life that has yet to come from beyond the victory.
All of us are living a life that we were forced to endure unwillingly and without blame. We had no choice but to accept what was beyond our control and learn to embrace a new but temporary normal. Leading a life in the unknown naturally spawns fears with intent to create reciprocating securities.
The only true and certain safe haven we could bring with us is our memory. Our memory contains the known, which in our state of uncertainty, eases the fears of where we are and where we're going.
Where do these memories come from? They came from a time that once existed in our lives where love, passion, purpose and existence prospered. Do you remember the time in your life where your body didn't need the life saving power of an antibiotic? Do you remember a time where your energy had no dictatorship? Do you remember what it was like to ingest the soulfully tangible feeling of love and passion?
Of course you do. For it is the only true foundation that supports and allows an internal war to be waged with intentions of achieving an almost always inconceivably possible outcome.
What about those of us who are in the same position but have a different perspective? Those of us who understand the circumstances of the transition but can't find the strength, reason or a purpose to move forward. It's not their fault. Leaving the security of the known and facing the fear of the unknown involuntarily is no easy task but it can be done.
You must not look at the disease as a hell but more as a gift. In life, evil would not exist without good and pain would not exist without pleasure. Balance comes with everything and finding it depends entirely on your perspective.
You may not realize it now but you've been given a clean slate. Your former life and all of the treasures that encompassed it have disappeared. It surely can be the most isolated and uncertain feeling if you don't know where to look. You can't stay in this transition forever and you surely know that you can't go back to the life we desperately yearn for. There is only one direction to move towards and that is to the victory and beyond.
The victory will be the end of the torture and the beginning of a new life. A new normal. Physically and visually everything will seem the same but out of your body is not where a slate has been wiped clean. Inside of you, a new existence will emerge with a new perspective and appreciation for all of life's glory.
For now, all we can do is fight the battles that will make way to a life that is so desperately sought after but not impossible to attain. You must remember that though the endeavor is challenging and the outcome seems only imaginary, it is not and will never be impossible to obtain. For there are those, like you and I, who have been in the transitional period and have found the strength and courage to move forward with the acceptance of losing one life to gain another. Their duty is done and their success is achieved. They have paved a road with certainty, faith and trust and bestowed inside of us the unrelenting possibility that you can and will one day exist beyond the victory.
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