College and Lyme Disease
The Experience of Attending College While Enduring Chronic Lyme Disease
It's in our nature as human beings to aspire and be successful. Whether the success is to better ourselves or to please the eyes of society, we aspire to be great. However, we have convinced ourselves that the aspirations we possess are required to unfold in our lives without interference and in a strategic manner.
We humans seem to forget that our fundamental purpose to survive is just as much alive as our man made obligations. The problem arises though when we lose sight of our true vulnerability to the plagues of the world and create an invincible mindset that foolishly leads us to believe we are untouchable.
College is without a doubt an aspiration that many people in the world would like to fulfill. Acquiring Lyme Disease is not, but when the two coincide, a revelation must be acknowledged. The progressive degeneration of the human body by the detrimental intentions of a bacterial infection can not be denied.
Refusing or delaying treatment and adhering to one's aspirations in the midst of cellular chaos does not grant clemency to the human body. For the longer one waits to remedy the body's ailments, the longer and more grueling treatment will be and the more irreversible damage can possibly occur.
There is nothing wrong with going to college with Lyme Disease as there are many people who are capable of juggling the two. The problem occurs when we forget the state of degeneration our body is in. In doing so, we continue to push it to a level that a non Lyme Disease possessing person could handle with ease. It must be reminded that though college is an astounding life experience, it doesn't fall short of being one of the world's greatest controllable stressors. By willingly choosing to expose one's self to the mental and some what physical demands of college, you risk compromising your body's ability to effectively combat the bacterial infection that still resides under one' skin.
As the current state of existence alone may not be enough to temporarily deter college aspirations, the initiation of a Lyme Disease treatment protocol may be. The byproduct of starting treatment may be nothing but the complete exacerbation of the symptoms one thought could never worsen and more. New symptoms will more than likely manifest that exist to only hinder the mental and physical capabilities of the human body. It will become obvious that the demands placed upon one can not be exceeded nor even met under the conditions that the body currently endures.
How much it burns that one can't simply just expedite the college experience and be done with it. Does it not seem obvious that the only reason for such a desire, is due to the ever present obligation to heal, that one willingly chooses to continue to ignore? The chance to succeed in college will always present itself at any time in one's life but the opportunity to preserve that chance may come but just once in a lifetime.
When circumstantial limits are reached, a fine line must be drawn. Eventually it will become apparent that no longer is the aspiration of college the priority that is was once thought to be. It will be dethroned by the aspiration and desire to heal one's ailing body. For sooner or later, one will have to face the reality and truth that has been ignored for longer than it should have been.
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