Lyme Poll: How Many People in Your Immediate Family, Besides You, Also Have Lyme Disease?
We Surveyed a Total of 58 People
A little less than half of the people polled have at least 1 family member with lyme disease as well
Why is it not uncommon for more than 1 family member to have Lyme Disease? What is the correlation?
39.7% of the people polled are fighting Lyme disease with at least 1 family member who is also positive. 60% are enduring Lyme alone.
Is it easier to endure Lyme disease when another family member has it?
It's not common but it does happen in which a large amount of immediate family members have Lyme. 1 out of every 29 people polled have 4 or more members in their immediate family, besides them, with Lyme disease.
What are the reasons as to why such a large portion of an immediate family contracts Lyme Disease? Is it location? Is it a tendency to be outdoors more?
Or is it that the right doctor has yet to be found?
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In the poll below, let us know who is treating you for Lyme disease. Thanks for voting!
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