Lyme Poll: What Type of Protocol are You Using to Treat Your Lyme Disease?
We Surveyed a Total of 37 People
Just about half of the people that were polled are using a combination of holistic and convention means.
Almost twice as many people are not on a protocol yet compared to those who are on just a conventional protocol.
The two biggest sections of the pie chart contain some form of holistic use while the two smallest section contain none.
Does this mean those with Lyme disease are seeking out holistic treatment more or are doctors finding better results with holistic treatment?
3 times as many people with Lyme disease use holistic treatment versus conventional treatment.
How many of those battling Lyme disease, that are using a holistic treatment, are either under the care of a physician or treating themselves?
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In the poll below, let us know how Lyme disease has affected your social life. Thanks for voting!
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