4 organic eggs
2 cups of collards greens 1 avocado 3 slices of raw cheddar cheese Extra virgin olive oil Basil Sea Salt Black Pepper |
Spread a little olive oil on the bottom of a pan, add your eggs and top them with raw cheese. Stove should be on high. Take a knife and slice along the spine of 3 large collard green leaves removing the stem. Layer the leafs on top of each other, roll and slice. Place the collard greens in a steamer for 4 minutes. Continuously stir the eggs to create a fluffy texture. Remove the eggs from the stove as they begin to crust on the pan, stir and place back on heat. Repeat until the eggs take on the consistency of custard. When eggs are the appropriate consistency, remove from the stove and add sea salt, pepper and basil. On half of a plate, add, pepper, basil, raw cheese and half of an avocado. Top with collard greens. Salt the collard greens generously but not too liberally. Add more pepper, basil, raw cheese and top with extra virgin olive oil. Add eggs to plate and garnish with basil.
1001 Calories Total
Carbohydrate (12%) Fat (75%) Protein (13%) |
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