Goldilocks’ Method: How to Efficiently Increase Your Treatment for Chronic Lyme
4 Tips and a Rationale to Get the Dosage that's "Just Right"
One of the main reasons why it takes so long to get over chronic Lyme -- after you've spent years tracking a diagnosis -- is because of the negative reactions almost everyone experiences from treating the condition and its associated conditions.
If you're taking antibiotics or antimicrobials for Lyme, you’ll likely experience the herxheimer reaction, if you're detoxing heavy metals, you have to be careful not to mobilize too many metals at once, if you're removing excess sulfur, you don't want to overburden your methylation pathways.
People with chronic Lyme are prone to having strong reactions to treatments because their bodies are usually taking on or removing larger than normal amounts of pathogens and other undesirables. Couple this with an overzealous increase of not just one, but possibly multiple treatments, and you set the stage for a person with chronic Lyme to feel really bad all the time, ultimately leading to discouragement and possibly an abandonment of treatment all together.
Why You Need to Increase Your Lyme Treatment Efficiently |
While spending much of her time in the woods, Goldilocks ironically never appears to have contracted Lyme, but she did show us how, when faced with multiple choices, to choose the one that’s “just right”. Of course, this was done at the expense of breaking and entering a fictional bear family’s home, but that’s a concern for law enforcement.
After paying hundreds of dollars to see a Lyme specialist, you’re sent home with a bunch of stuff to begin treatment -- hopefully with well thought-out instructions. But those well-thought out instructions --as legible and detailed as they were written, and if you were lucky enough to even receive them -- will have no words to teach you the finesse and meticulous modulation needed when the negative reactions being to occur.
The negative reactions you’ll likely experience from treatment will occur shortly after starting and tend to be long lasting, making it difficult to adhere to any dosage instructions at all. You can’t call your treating physician every day, and some people with chronic Lyme are treating themselves with no professional guidance at all.
Once again, you are on your own, so what do you do? Don’t laugh, but we’re consulting the fictitious law breaker known as Goldilocks on this one over your $800/hour Lyme specialist.
When Goldilocks ate the porridge that was too hot, she stopped. Then when she ate the porridge that was too cold, she also stopped. She then -- and we’re no condoning this -- ate the little bear’s porridge and found it to be of just the right temperature. So what did she do? She ate it all and we just think she really needs to be stopped.
Criminality and ethics aside, what Goldilocks did was simply find the correct choice that allowed her to reach her goal to simply eat a meal and ultimately satisfy her hunger.
For you, as a person with chronic Lyme disease, you need to do the exact same thing, but with your treatment protocol. If you take too much of a treatment, you’ll likely end up feeling bad, and if you take too little, you likely waste time, as a higher dosage could have been taken. We’re going to adopt Goldilocks methodology for taking a Lyme treatment, which will simply allow you to increase it and reach your desired dosage goal as efficiently as possible.
How to Increase Your Lyme Treatment Efficiently |
We are now going to give you some tips and a rationale for increasing your Lyme treatment as efficiently as possible. For referencing purposes, we’re going to call it the “Goldilocks’ Method”. We don’t want you wasting anymore time, and we also don’t want you feeling bad for days on end, as you should be taking as often as you can, and as close as you can get to, the dosage that’s “just right”.
Bear with us as we turn years of knowledge and experience in taking treatments for chronic Lyme into a concise and explicit article excerpt for your sole benefit. The "Goldilocks' Method" will outline 4 tips and a rationale to follow to simply get you at a treatment dosage that is "just right".
Note: The information provided hereinafter is not a substitute for professional medical advice and should never take the place of treatment instructions outlined by your treating physician. Always consult your treating physician first before altering any treatment protocol.
The “Goldilocks’ Method” (Detailed Version)
For simplicity's sake, we’re going to example a person who just came off 3 months of antibiotics, and has a goal to reach a probiotic CFU count of 100 billion per day. This person’s name, we’re thinking could be, possibly, relevantly, “Goldilocks”?
To start, Goldilocks vehemently researches the best probiotic brand for her situation. She knows she needs to start at a low dosage to avoid any strong reactions in the beginning, so she goes with Renew Life’s 15 Billion CFUs Probiotic, which brings us to our first tip:
Tip #1: Always Start at a Low DosageStart lower than even the recommendation on the bottle. In fact, break open the capsule, if appropriate for your treatment modality, or dilute even 1 drop of a tincture. Aim for ¼ increments of a capsule or drop as a good starting dosage and for an increasing dosage.
When Goldilocks gets home from Vitamin Shoppe, she opens her probiotic bottle, breaks open a capsule and pours roughly ¼ of it into a glass, adds waters and downs it. As of today, she has reached approximately 3.75 Billion CFUs, or 3.75 CFUs/day, which brings us to our second tip:
Tip #2: Keep a Log of Your Dosages
Memory is not a strong point in many with chronic Lyme, so write down anytime you start a treatment or increase a dosage. Google Calendar is a great, free tool for doing this, as you can easily search specifics in the future.
Goldilocks opens Google Calendar, clicks on today and simply types in “Probiotic in the evening (3.75 billion)”. For the next 3 days, Goldilocks is simply going to monitor how she feels, as she learns how her body will respond to the new treatment, which brings us to our next tip:
Tip #3: Wait At Least 3 Days Before Taking Your Second Dosage
When starting a new treatment, you want to be sure of how you’ll react to it. Sometimes a negative reaction takes a couple days to rear its ugly face and 3 days is usually enough time to ascertain if one will occur one.
It’s been 3 days since Goldilocks took her one and only probiotic dosage of 3.75 billion CFUs (¼ capsule). She takes a moment to understand how she feels, which can simply be described as either “tolerable” or “intolerable”. Goldilocks has determined that how she feels is “tolerable”, so she takes her second probiotic dosage of 3.75 billion (¼ capsule) and does so every day now until she has a day in which she can define how she feels as “intolerable”, which brings us to our fourth and final tip:
Tip #4: Custom Pulsing
Pulsing is a treatment application in which you take a treatment for X amount of days and then stop it for X amount of days, regardless of how you feel. Custom pulsing allows you to determine how many days to take a treatment, and stop a treatment, based on how you feel, thus creating maximum treatment efficiency.
After consistently taking her probiotic dosage of 3.75 billion for 2 days now, she notices that on the third day, she feels “intolerable”. She implements custom pulsing, doesn’t take the probiotic today, and waits for a day when she feel “tolerable”. After 2 days of not taking the probiotic, she feels “tolerable” and takes her next probiotic dosage of 3.75 billion (¼ capsule).
RationaleGoldilocks will continue this treatment application method entirely based on how she feels -- she’ll take her current dosage (¼ capsule) on the days she feels “tolerable” and refrain from taking it on the days she feels “intolerable”.
As she does, the amount of days in which she feels “intolerable” will slowly decrease, and the amount of days she feels “tolerable” will increase, ultimately allowing her to efficiently take the current probiotic dosage (¼ capsule), until she can reach her goal to take the current probiotic dosage (¼ capsule) every day.
Once Goldilocks has been taking her current probiotic dosage (¼ capsule) every day without ever feeling “intolerable”, she can then decide when to increase the dosage again. When she does, she’ll increase it by another 3.75 billion CFUs (¼ capsule), while implementing the treatment method above again. Her goal now will be to take ½ of a capsule every day.
As Goldilocks continues to efficiently increase her treatment protocol, she’ll do so at a dosage of 3.75 billion CFUs (¼ capsule) because she knows it’s a comfortable dosage her body can tolerate. If she’s feeling brazen, she can increase by ½ a capsule, however, if by doing this, she ends up extending the amount of days she feels “intolerable”, she’s no longer efficiently increasing her treatment, thus wasting time, so she’ll drop back to a 3.75 billion increase dosage (¼ capsule).
Goldilocks’ Treatment Summary
New Treatment Waiting Period
Official Start Of Treatment
- Day 1 (tolerable): Took 3.75 billion capsule
- Day 2 (tolerable): New treatment waiting period
- Day 3 (tolerable): New treatment waiting period
Official Start Of Treatment
- Day 4 (tolerable): Took 3.75 billion capsule
- Day 5 (tolerable): Took 3.75 billion capsule
- Day 6 (intolerable): Didn’t take 3.75 billion capsule
- Day 7 (intolerable): Didn’t take 3.75 billion capsule
- Day 8 (tolerable): Took 3.75 billion capsule
- Day 9 (intolerable): Didn’t take 3.75 billion capsule
- Day 10 (tolerable): Took 3.75 billion capsule
- Day 11 (tolerable): Took 3.75 billion capsule
- Day 12 (tolerable): Took 3.75 billion capsule
Take note above in Goldilocks' official start of treatment that in the beginning, her "intolerable" days occurred more frequently, but as she refrained from taking her current dosage on these days, her "tolerable" days increased as time went on, ultimately allowing her to take her current probiotic dosage every day without ever feeling "intolerable".
The “Goldilocks’ Method” (Simplified Version)
The “Goldilocks’ Method” is a Lyme treatment application method designed for increasing a Lyme treatment as efficiently as possible by always maintaining the dosage that’s “just right”. It consists of 4 tips to follow and a rationale (please refer to the detailed version above for clarification):
Take Away and Taking 2 Treatments at Once
Every person with chronic Lyme will respond differently to a treatment, which makes custom pulsing a perfect treatment adaptation. The “Goldilocks’ Method” is really as simple as just taking your current dosage when you feel good, and not taking it when you feel bad. Listening to your body is important, as it knows the best speed at which it can accept a treatment protocol’s current dosage.
By adopting the “Goldilocks’ Method”, you will ultimately not overburden your body will a treatment protocol, which will reduce the amount of days you feel bad or “intolerable”, increase the amount of days you feel good or “tolerable”, thus allowing you to increase your treatment as efficiently as possible -- a rate at which your body can handle.
You will feel good as often as possible with the treatment you’re currently taking. However, based on both your body’s own detoxification needs and the treatment you’re taking, you could potentially increase your treatment at a faster rate by taking the correct detoxification support methods.
For example, Goldilocks might be able to reach her goal of 100 billion CFUs/day much quicker if she takes modified citrus pectin to support her biotoxin illness and molybdenum to help remove die off toxins from Candida.
Of course, if you need to take more than one treatment modality, as most people with Lyme do, start a new treatment modality on a day you are feeling good or “tolerable”. Do not start or increase a treatment on the same day you start or increase another because if you have a bad reaction, it’ll be difficult to discern which treatment caused it, and you could potentially feel worse or “intolerable” for much longer than you would have.
Most importantly, the “Goldilocks’ Method” puts you in complete control of your treatment protocol, which allows you to expect when to feel good and when to feel bad, and you can’t be in more control than that.
In a plot twist, even though Goldilocks was essentially able to successfully reach a probiotic dosage of 3.75 billion CFUs per day (¼ capsule), the bear family eventually came home from a 2 week vacation only to discover that Papa bear’s car had been driven, Mama bear’s Google Calendar account had been used, but baby bear’s porridge had ironically remained untouched, as Goldilocks now follows a strict Candida diet. Yes, it was also cold after sitting out at room temperature for 2 weeks.
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