4 Reasons Why You Still Feel Bad Despite Detoxing
Not Too fast. Not Too slow. Just Right is the Goal for Removing Toxins
Way over 90% of the reason why a person with Lyme Disease feels horrible is simply because of their herxheimer reaction; not the Lyme Disease itself. Detoxing is the immediate reaction or response to suppress and reduce a herx but many times it renders ineffective. Those that can't shake a herx are left in the dark, completely frustrated with the unexpected results they're receiving. The constant state of herxing becomes a normality to them, which even though is quite common among those battling Lyme Disease, it doesn't have to be.
1. You're Not Detoxing EnoughThis reason is the most obvious explanation for why a person still feels horrible despite detoxing. Regardless of their claim that they are in fact detoxing, which they may be, they're just not detoxing enough.
The human body exploits many outlets for removing toxins from itself (e.g., the skin, liver, kidneys, lymphatic system). All of these outlets should be assisted during a Lyme Disease treatment protocol because the work bestowed to them is unprecedented. For what these detox outlets lack in capability or efficiency, the human brain compensates with the knowledge to apply external detoxification assistance.
If your current treatment protocol is causing a massive die off and your detox protocol is only reciprocating with only a few milk thistle capsules when you can remember to take them, truly consider altering your detoxification perspective. Not only do you want to be religious and consistent with your detox methods, you seriously should consider incorporating detox methods that include all major detox outlets of the human body. It's also incredibly important to remember to consume a diet rich in the nutrients required by the body for detoxification.
Many people have a tendency to refrain from detoxing because they feel good, for the moment. By doing so, you're slowly allowing the rate at which toxins are released in the body to become greater than the rate at which they're removed from the body. In due time, you'll feel horrible again. But had you continued your detox regimen despite feeling unprecedentedly well, you may have been able to completely avoid or at least drastically reduced the current herx.
2. You're Detoxing Too Much
It's unlikely to be that you're detoxing too much but yet, it can happen. Sometimes people become so dedicated to their detoxification, they unknowingly find themselves in a position where they're feeling or getting worse rather than feeling better.
It's true in that too much of a good thing is bad -- balance is key! The idea of feeling worse by excessive detoxification comes off as completely ironic. One would conceive and exploit the logic that the more detox methods applied, the better one would feel! This logic is flawless to an extent. When detoxification is applied in excess, too many toxins currently residing within the body, both Lyme and non-Lyme, become mobilized at once. In a essence, a herxheimer is created and if you're already herxing, you've undoubtedly increased the total load of toxins coursing through the blood stream. As one would imagine, you're naturally going to feel worse.
Flare ups can occur as well but it depends on the detoxification method used. Saunas have a tendency to heat the body and this can become very irritating to the bacteria, parasites, or fungi residing within. As a result, symptoms these infections are known for manifesting or causing may become temporarily worsened or brought to light. The symptoms should subside and return to normal within a day or two after avoiding the detox method responsible for their manifestation.
The best way to overcome the error of detoxing too much is to refrain from the detox method known for exacerbating your herx or flare up. Sometimes the circumstances may call for you to forgo all of your detoxification, and if this is the case, you may want to even consider backing off your treatment protocol for at least 3 days at a minimum and then restart slowly (consult your doctor first). This takes any added burden (i.e., more toxins) off of the body while it attempts to restore balance. Let the body correct the imbalance of toxins on its own without intervention.
3. Your Herx May Be from Candida, Not Lyme
You're detoxing and doing every right, or at least you believe but you still feel horrible. Your brain is forever in a fog, fatigue has become rampant, and pure frustration and even surrender come across your mind. Stop! You may be herxing but the cause may in fact not be Lyme Disease.
Candida herx reactions are horrible. They may even be considered more vicious than a Lyme Disease herx. Candida herxes have a tendency to manifest from the activities we'd never thought to consider:
- Excessive Heat - From the weather to exercise to an epsom salt bath. Any time the body is excessively heated, Candida will become irritated and killed off, leaving you with a debilitating herx and even flare up symptoms. It does not like the heat and will clearly, without hesitation, make that known.
- Food (healing) - "Let food be thy medicine". It's a famous quote from Hippocrates the reputable Greek physician. If you've never understood what this quote means, you will now. Almonds, coconuts, cinnamon, grapefruit seeds, and turmeric all have one thing in common; they're antifungals. This means that when you consume these foods, they're going to kill any Candida they comes into contact with, ultimately leaving you with some unpleasant, debilitating, and persistent die off (i.e., stomach pains, severe brain fog, sleepless nights). If you have suspicion that your constant herx is caused by Candida, consider removing these foods from your diet for a couple weeks. See if you notice a difference.
- Food (destructive) - If you're not already on a gluten free, dairy free, and sugar free diet, you're actively contributing to Candida symptoms or flare ups. Alcohol and any food items containing yeast, gluten, and high amounts of sugar are the single worst offenders. Candida feeds off of yeast and sugar, and by consuming these food items while attempting to control Candida, you're dousing a fire with gasoline.
The best way to assume if you're enduring a Candida herx reaction is to be consciously aware of your symptoms. Some of the most common Candida symptoms include severe brain fog, insomnia, stomach pains, and even floating. If you happen to find yourself experiencing a malicious Candida die off, the first step it to find the direct cause or culprit and remove it from your life temporarily. The second step would be to address the toxins and assist your body in removing them:
Take the necessary steps to prevent further debilitation.
4. Your Body Has a Detox Limit
As a last resort and if all else fails, this is the go to cause. Believe it or not, there is a maximum rate at which your body can remove toxins. Its normal detox rate is increased through detox intervention but it reaches a point where it can only process toxins so fast; regardless of your responsible detox protocol. Everyone's rate is unique.
When the rate at which toxins are released in the body from the killing of the Lyme bacteria becomes greater than the rate at which the body can process them, your body becomes backed up. Toxins that are overwhelming the liver are being pushed back into the blood stream until they can be processed. This leaves you with a lingering herxheimer reaction that can't be subdued no matter how rampant or effective the detox method is for which you applied.
The most effective way to deal with this reaction is to abstain from taking your treatment protocol for at least 3 days at a minimum and then slowly start up again (consult your doctor first). The rate at which the bacteria is dying off is too grand for the body to endure and you must cease from making it worse. The body needs to be given the chance to restore its normal fighting balance and not forced to perform what it can not. Though this problem is a clear indication that your protocol is effective, which is good, you're feeling unnecessarily worse than before you started treatment. If your treatment protocol is too unbearable for you, without hesitation, inform your doctor and ask for their advice.
Too many toxins in the body at once is not good and can even result in death. In fact, this is exactly the purpose of the toxins in the first place; to finish the dirty work the bacterium, the toxins were released from, could not while it was alive. Treating Lyme Disease is about balance. An effective treatment protocol must be applied just enough to where bacteria begin to die but not where the toxins they release reenact the destructive behavior the bacterium failed to perform while alive.
Additional Information
Above all, it is absolutely essential to consume a decent amount of water. Water is the most basic form of detoxing for human beings and be assured that you'll feel better or at least notice a difference by drinking the right amount. Breathe deeply. Besides water our bodies require oxygen in order to function properly and produce the energy they need to fight.
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