Before I begin this blog post -- yes, I have a time machine -- I want to apologize for any grammatical errors you may come across as my head is a little off today. I know, some of you are thinking, “Well, if you have a time machine, why not just go back to when your head was clearer -- or better yet, after chronic Lyme?” Good point, except that I recently acquired the time machine this morning -- you can only go as far back in time to when the time machine was acquired. Also, as much as I’d love to be at the time in my life where I was over chronic Lyme, I’d miss out on a lot of the good experiences that would occur during chronic Lyme’s stay, or would I? Oh, I don’t have a time machine and this is all just a theory.
Welcome to My Blog!The LyBlog will focus on my personal battle with chronic Lyme disease, which includes updates, progress reports, and personal experiences. Categories
January 2024