The bike ride itself served as a catalyst for a profound revelation and interesting discovery. While on route, I happened to pass plenty of vegetation. It just so happens though that I directed my attention towards it for a moment and was amazed to discover a familiar comrade. Teasel Root.
For those not familiar with Teasel Root, it is a biennial herb that is commonly used in Lyme Disease protocols to entice the bacteria to enter the blood stream, also known as the battlefield. This is precisely the reason I've incorporated Teasel Root into my protocol. It's the first time I've ever seen the herb in its prime and this could explain my sheer excitement.
The Teasel Root is just one half of this profound revelation. As I continued my bike ride, I encountered a grassy trail that lead into a forest. Leaving familiar territory for the unknown? Sure! It was all clear that in the words of Robert Frost, "I took the one less traveled by, And that has made all the difference."