Many of us have and are still going down that road of hell.
Lyme Disease is a bacterium designed to kill whoever it invades.
When you start treatment, you're turning the tables.
Now it's you who is killing the Lyme.
That's like two alpha male lions going at it.
It's a battle of the titans.
A battle that can be won
Many times death comes across our minds as an easy way out and it is!
But there is so much more you'd leave behind.
Remember what it's like to laugh endlessly at something so stupid?
Remember what it's like to love someone and feel it back?
Do you remember what it's like to be human?
Do you remember what it's like to remember at all?
There is a reason you're still alive
Suffering but alive
And that reason is simply because you're not meant to go yet.
If you could understand that though our time on this earth isn't long, someone out there needs you
In a way that words would diminish the meaning
Someone you know or someone you don't
That eventually you'd cross paths with each other and spark what it means to be human.
What it means to be alive